Monday, July 5, 2010

3 Aussies

Been traveling the past 48 hours with 3 Aussies I met in Tikal. They were in my tour group of Tikal and didn't realize that the transportation cost to get to Tikal didn't include the park's entrance fee. I had heard many stories from others that confused this as well. They sheepishly turned to me and asked if I had 150 Quetzales and I gladly gave it to them. They have been fun to travel with and they will leave for Lake Atitlan today - I've already been and told them I'd be staying here in Antigua. They are planning to return tomorrow evening and might see them again. Heading to have lunch with them now before they leave. Glad I wrote this blog, it reminded me that I need to get a picture of them before they leave...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

to Tikal and Back!

I took a risk by taking a bus to Tikal - a 9 hour bus ride - but it turned out all right. On the way there, I got to know two doctors who just finished med school and they made the trip much more enjoyable. During my tour of Tikal, I met 3 aussies who I ended up returning to Antigua you probably know, if you are backpacking, you have to make an effort NOT to meet people because its bound to happen, your going to make friends and travel companions.

Tikal was absolutely amazing! The pictures do not do it justice...Never experienced anything like it. The pics of Tikal I'll post later, but here's one of my hike to the cross outside Antigua - beautiful view.

Happy 4th to everyone up north!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tikal, here I come!

Taking a bus to Tikal tomorrow. Planning to stay at Los Amigos Hostel, but they don't take reservations. I hope to get in and then get a ride to the ruins, which I don't think will be a problem at all. The bus ride is the most concerning part - it's only $35, but 9hours long. We'll see how this one goes. Fingers crossed...As Jacqueline can tell you, I can't make it 1 hour on a trip without having to go to the bathroom. I was in tears and about to loose control of bodily functions on the way back from Panajachel when I found out we weren't stopping for a bathroom break. I have never been in so much bladder pain, seriously. Well, here it goes, tomorrow at 7:30a I'll be boarding a bus which I made sure has a bathroom in the back. Yes, some adventures I'm not willing to go on. Oh, did I mention it has A/C? Yes, yes, traveling adventures have changed a lot in the past 10 years. No more sleeping on park benches...